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This personal waterfall shows you all of Brooke S.'s arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

i think it will happen within the next couple of years and i think it will be in the us

1 point

i think tha panama canal created a lot of good things for the us (being civil)

1 point

also i dont think that countries having alies was a good idea because that just created conflicts with countries that had nothing to do with the reason it started

1 point

i agree imperialism was one of the biggest factors that mad the us fight in wars!

1 point

if your talking exact location wise i think it would be here in the us we fight with all the other countries in their countries i think its going to come back on us some day!

1 point

they did not know the things that we know today which is like weather conditions medical things etc...

1 point

everything uses propaganda to make people think that everything is better than it really is

1 point

a lot of people had to move because they didnt have anything and so they wanted a fresh start

1 point

so did that mean when they went there that when the us went to war they were fighting against the us?

1 point

with that being said horses can get hurt and its going to take a long time to get things places and they can get sick

1 point

how were the jews even any of out buisness? if everyone would ming there own buisness we never would have went to war

1 point

but killing people for real and killing people fake are totally different things!

1 point

its not a competition on whoes best and whoes not or whoes the biggest and whoes not!!!

1 point

i agree 100% everyone is the same were all human wether we have dissibilities money different skin colors or speak a different language. ask yourself what if i would of came out black? you cant say you would have went right back in...because it doesnt work out that way! a person is a person no matter what and we cant judge eachother because we all have our faults and cant help it!

1 point

i think if the civil war never happened we would have a better economy because there wouldnt be so much hatrid and everyone saying this is mine and im nomt going to share kind of thing.

1 point

the only thing with that is that they had no idea what was comming and if they would have known how life was going to be and how many people were going to lose their lives they would have rethought going or how they were going to go!

2 points

the world would be a happier place!! if everyone would just get along and mind there own buisness there wouldnt be so many people losing their lives to "fight for their country"

2 points

a lot of kids got killed from working on the michines. there should be no reason that there are children loosing theie lives at the dawn of life and be responsible to help care for their families at such a young age in dangerous situations

2 points

i did not know that but i think thats a good idea because if thay have families i dont think that the men should have to lose their lives and leave their families behind!

2 points

Progressivism is an umbrella label for a wide range of economic, political, social, and moral reforms. These included efforts to outlaw the sale of alcohol; regulate child labor and sweatshops; scientifically manage natural resources; insure pure and wholesome water and milk; Americanize immigrants or restrict immigration altogether; and bust or regulate trusts.

2 points

do you really want some of the jobs that are out there? the eimmigrants dont care what job they take! im sure you dont want to do some garbage or sewage job...and theyed be more than happy to take that job! they are taking jobs that noone wants not that everyone is compeating for! so if job hunting is hard for you its probably your own fault...not theres!

1 point

immigrants not only dont complain about the wages but they work twice as hard and they do the jobs that americans dont want to do! and yet people have the guts to complain about them steeling all the jobs? there not steeling them from anybody when they werent doing the jobs or wanting to do the jobs in the first place!

1 point

as a buisness owner i want more immigrants to come to the us because they work for a lower pay and they dont complain about "too low of wages" they are happy with what they get!

1 point

i am also a buisness owner and i would pay them what i feel they deserve. now if people agree with that or dissagree with that thats there opinion but i would use my best judgment but also not get too crazy on my numbers! us buisness owners have to make money too you know. we cant just go nuts on what we pay the workers! there would be plenty of workers out there that would be more than happy to take there places and get paid the same or even less wages!

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